Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on Ambiances

Creating an atmosphere

In September 2008, an International Symposium organized by the "Ambiances Architecturales et Urbaines" laboratory in Grenoble, brought together near to 300 architects, planners, landscapers, environmental designer, artists, psychologists, philosophers and sociologists. They have suggested answers, talked about and compared their experience, and raised questions prompted by current practices in the built developed space. Resulting from the Symposium, this book aims to cross over various ways of addressing the concrete nature and the creating atmosphere though there main questions. What makes an atmosphere ? How is an atmosphere or an ambiance created ? How does one make an ambiance in an architectural or town planning project ?
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Faire une ambiance / Creating an atmosphere
Actes du colloque international, Grenoble, 10-12 sept. 2008
Sous la direction de Jean-François Augoyard
Bernin : A la Croisées, Coll. Ambiances, Ambiance, 2011
527 p. Illustrations en couleurs.
ISBN : 978-2-912934-22-2
Prix : 44 €
International Ambiances Network / Réseau International Ambiances