EuroBroadMap working papers , collection edited by Laurent Beauguitte (CNRS, UMR Géographie-cités)

All working papers presented here are issued from deliverables produced in the framework of the FP7 EuroBroadMap project. If the topic treated is always Europe representations and/or world regionalization, methods, fields of research and purposes are diverse.

Mental maps of students working papers are the following ones:

Volume 1, Executive summary, C. Didelon et al. (en., 33 p.)

Volume 2 Aims and organisation of the survey, C. Didelon et al. (en., 26 p.)

Volume 3 Variations in the scale of the feeling of belonging, C. Didelon et al. (en., 30 p.)

Volume 4 Countries and cities attractiveness, C. Grasland et al. (en., 45 p.)

Volume 5, Cartographic and lexical analysis, C. Didelon et al. (en., 74 p.)

Migrants and borders working papers are the following ones:

Migrants and Borders - Synthesis, C. Quiminal and J.-Y. Blum Le Coat (en., 29 p.)

Visions of Europe at the European Union eastern border. Focus on Moldavian migration to Romania, O. Stoleriu et al. (en., 36 p.)

Les représentations des candidats maliens au départ, C. Quiminal (fr., 30 p.)

A View of Europe: Perspectives from Indian Immigrants, M. Thapan and M. Deka (en., 22 p.)

Migrants and Borders - Interviews Guideline, C. Quiminal (en., fr., 15 p.)

Visions of Europe among Somali Women in Malta, C. Schmoll et al. (en., 27 p.)

Argentinean migrants' representations of Europe, P. González-Bernardo and F. Jedliki (fr., 52 p.)

Politics and ideology working papers are the following ones:

EU-NATO relations, C. Smith (en., 33 p.)

The European Union at the United Nations General Assembly, B. Delcourt (en., 42 p.)

The EU at the WTO, L. Van Well and M. Reardon (en., 19 p.)

Textbook analysis, A. Brennetot et al. (en., 60 p.)

Textbooks analysis – guideline, A. Brennetot et al. (en., 13 p.)

Flows and networks working papers are the following ones:

Statistical toolbox, G. Van Hamme and C. Grasland (coor.) (en., 75 p.)

Synthesis, G. Van Hamme and C. Grasland (coord.) (en., 67 p.)

Synthesis working papers are the following ones:

Cross country synthesis, C. Grasland (coord.) (en., 234 p.)

Overall Gender Perspective, A. Spiteri et al. (en., 31 p.)

Socio-spatial frameworks of spatial representations, C. Didelon (en., 3O p.)

Cross-results on students and migrants surveys, J.-Y. Blum le Coat (en., 13 p.)

Regional perspective report, C. Grasland et al. (en., 40 p.)