Gallia Préhistoire (Prehistory of France in its European context) aims to disseminate original and unpublished results, significant discoveries of supraregional interest and thematic syntheses in Prehistory and Protohistory, from ancient Paleolithic to the end of the age of Bronze. The journal publishes summary, thematic or detailed articles presenting unpublished and contextualized data in current issues. Written in French or English, articles are evaluated blind by at least two rapporteurs. They are published online along the water and gathered at the end of the year in a hard copy. Supplements (in paper format only) include monographic studies, major syntheses and corpora of major interest or significant advances for prehistoric archeology.

The journal is now published annually in its traditional paper form at CNRS Éditions, but it is also available in freemium on OpenEdition Journals.

Numbers prior to Volume 56 (2014-2016) are all available on Persée.

Below, chronological frieze showing the evolution of the journal since its individualisation of Gallia in 1958, as well as its different directors:

Frise chronologique de la revue

Full text papers

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