INDEX.TXT: List of files in the SOCECO2 dataset, format and content description Principal investigator: Minh Ha-Duong, CIRED < > Co-principal investigator: Ana Sofia Campos, CIRED < > Date created (this file): 2007-06-13 INDEX.TXT This file. Files are listed not alphabetically but according to a suggested reading order. DESCRIPTION.TXT Metadata about the dataset. # # Questionnaire # Questionnaire.pdf This is the final version of the questionnaire generated by TNS-Sofres on April 5th, 2007 and validated by CIRED with no change. The survey was computer-assisted based on this and the figure CSS-schematic.jpg . Content as provided by TNS-Sofres. CSS-schematic.jpg A simple drawing showing the principle of Carbon Capture and Storage. It was shown as part of the survey. CIRED derived it from a more detailed schema by ADEME, BRGM and IFP with advice from TNS-Sofres. *** CHECK *** Copyright holders allow further redistribution and re-use provided the attribution is cited. *** CHECK *** # # Results files # RapportSimple.pdf Results summary published by TNS-Sofres on their website under the title "Changement climatique et réduction des émissions de CO2". April 2007, 36 pages. Note that the drawing page 14 is the more sophisticated version than the one actually used in the survey. Content as downloaded 2007/06/13. RapportCroise.xls Full result report, cross tabulated. Titled (also) "Changement climatique et réduction des émissions de CO2". April 2007, 157 sheets. Content as provided by TNS-Sofres. Verbatims.xls Replies to open-ended questions, as given in French by the respondents. Question 4 seeks a definition of CCS, question 12 explores what the respondents would like to ask to experts. Content as provided by TNS-Sofres. encoding.txt Numeric encoding of replies. Derived from Human-readable UTF-8, in French. data.csv A rectangular flat file with the responses numerically encoded (decimal point is "."). 190 tab-separated columns. 1077 lines, all have missing values represented by NA. First row contains mnemonic variable (column) names based on the question number and meaning. ASCII text, with very long lines, with CRLF line terminators. Obtained by filtering _Data_ through labels.sed. # # Most users of this dataset will probably not use the files below # This archive contains _Data_ and File as provided by TNS-Sofres. A SAS script describing the _Data_. It explicits the columns names and the numeric encoding of answers. Includes coding for open-ended questions according to the coding plan devised by TNS Sofres. File as provided by TNS-Sofres in _Data_ A rectangular flat file with the responses numerically encoded, tab-separated. ASCII text, with very long lines, with CRLF line terminators. File as provided by TNS-Sofres in This archive contains CIRED.dat, CIRED_Dessin.txt and CIRED_Quest.txt. Found hard to use without TNS-Sofres software environment. CIRED.dat Survey results, fixed witdh format. ASCII text, with very long lines, with CRLF line terminators. File as provided by TNS Sofres. CIRED_Dessin.txt Description of CIRED.dat columns. ISO-8859 text. File as provided by TNS Sofres. CIRED_Quest.txt Questions and directions to the surveyors. ISO-8859 text in a machine-readable format. File as provided by TNS Sofres. labels.sed A substitution table to make column names mnemonic (to me). sed script derived from Makefile The project management file. Describes how to generate data.txt from _Data_