Non-mechanised processing and storage of cereals, grasses and pulses used for fodder, fuel, food and crafts : Examples from N. Tunisia, Atlas Region, Northwestern, Tell
This paper will discuss the first steps in a case study of present-day use, processing and storage of cereals
and pulses, as well as several other plants used for animals in NW Tunisia. Data has been recorded using
images and video filming, interviews and plant collection. Cereals, pulses, and other fodder plants are part
of domestic production that was processed with the animal-drawn threshing sledge. This case study was
primarily undertaken to better understand how present-day human food and fodder use is related to this
particular technology, and to examine the variability in plants and processing techniques today. We found
that non-mechanised threshing, but also harvesting of wild and domestic kinds of green fodder, are still
geared to producing specific products for feeding draft animals and cows kept by farmers, who attribute
particular importance to the superior qualities of various plants as fodder, for taste and quality of milk. In
addition to use as human foods, specific products of cereals are used for temper for plaster and mud-brick.
and pulses, as well as several other plants used for animals in NW Tunisia. Data has been recorded using
images and video filming, interviews and plant collection. Cereals, pulses, and other fodder plants are part
of domestic production that was processed with the animal-drawn threshing sledge. This case study was
primarily undertaken to better understand how present-day human food and fodder use is related to this
particular technology, and to examine the variability in plants and processing techniques today. We found
that non-mechanised threshing, but also harvesting of wild and domestic kinds of green fodder, are still
geared to producing specific products for feeding draft animals and cows kept by farmers, who attribute
particular importance to the superior qualities of various plants as fodder, for taste and quality of milk. In
addition to use as human foods, specific products of cereals are used for temper for plaster and mud-brick.