Communication Dans Un Congrès Année : 2009

Energy transition in Jordanian and Lebanese Cities : the case of electricity

Éric Verdeil


The paper intends to concentrate on the recent transformations in the electricity sector at the national and the local level to examine the degree of involvement of local or city authorities and actors in the regulation of the electricity sector where State agencies and, in the Jordanian case, new coming national or multinational corporate investors remain the dominant stakeholders. The purpose is to acknowledge the specific factor of their situation and their combination with more general trends.
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halshs-00424539 , version 1 (16-10-2009)


  • HAL Id : halshs-00424539 , version 1


Éric Verdeil. Energy transition in Jordanian and Lebanese Cities : the case of electricity. Cities and energy transitions: past, present, future, Jun 2009, Autun, France. ⟨halshs-00424539⟩
499 Consultations
546 Téléchargements

