Book Sections Year : 2009

Local actors facing environmental issues


This chapter, analyzing the implementation of “local sustainable development” in the LEADER programs, questions the environmental contents of local communities development plans. To what extent the sustainability paradigm is shared by local actors and is connected to a genuine new awareness? In the first part, the paper develops the conceptual framework of the implementation of new public policies for local development in New Member States. In the second one, the way in which local actors have slipped into the new forms of local development that have been proposed to them is discussed, on the basis of two Czech case studies.
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halshs-00503099 , version 1 (25-07-2010)


  • HAL Id : halshs-00503099 , version 1


Marie-Claude Maurel. Local actors facing environmental issues. Pascal Marty, Sandrine Devaux. Social movements and public action: Lessons from environmental issues, Centre français de recherche en sciences sociales (CEFRES), pp.149-174, 2009. ⟨halshs-00503099⟩
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