Эволюция костяного и каменного оружия эпохи финального Палеолита; Мадленские сообщества (20000-14000 cal ВР) в Юго-Западной Европе [Èvoljucija kostjanogo i kamennogo oružija èpohi final'nogo Paleolita; Madlenskie soobŝestva (20000-14000 cal BP) v Jugo-Zapadnoj Evrope]
This article focuses on the evolutions of the hunting equipment of the Magdalenian culture, from 20,000 to 14,000 cal. BP, in a geographic area encompassing the southwest of France and the north of Spain. Our perception of the Magdalenian hunting kit has been recently renewed by several technological analyses and experimental work. With the succession of Lower, Middle and Upper Magdalenian, the manufacture and use of lithic and osseous weapon tips undergo several technological and economical changes. Flexible, adaptive technical solutions alternate with more rigid technological systems marked by stricter requirements in raw materials. These different choices imply varying degrees of group territoriality - which are in turn reflected in the more or less broad circulation of certain types of weapon tips.
Russian abstract not available.
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