
The open archive HAL SHS is devoted to archiving and dissemination of scientific literature, published or unpublished, from universities or research institutions in all disciplines of human and social sciences.


Archaeology Jebel Barisha محافظة حلب Sociologie Old Damascus Sciences de l'Homme et Société منطقة حارم Syrie Généralités Identité Droit Chanson-papier Byzantine period Villages antiques de la Syrie du Nord Culture Urbanisme Syria Gouvernance Brésil Palmyre Enseignement Limestone Massif Environnement Harim District Archéologie دمشق القديمة محافظة ادلب Mount Simeon Innovation جبل باريشا Tadmor Gouvernorat d'Idlib Archive المدن المنسية Migration Union européenne Ville Dead Cities سوريا Jabal Barisha Mission archéologique de Syrie du Nord Afrique History Vieux Damas Chine Massif calcaire de la Syrie du Nord Art Époque romaine Education Montagne Genre Littérature Aleppo Governorate Traduction Théâtre Villes mortes Mémoire Moyen Âge Santé Patrimoine Formation Territoire العصرالبِيزنطي Politique علم الأثر Gouvernorat d'Alep France Diapositive علم الآثار Époque byzantine Limestone Massif of Northern Syria Ancient villages of Northern Syria Ifpo Italie Linguistique Responsabilité Ancient villages of Nothern Syria Agriculture Cinéma District de Ḥārim Europe Histoire فن العمارة تدمر جبل سمعان Photographie noir et blanc جبال الكتلة الكلسية Urbanism Philosophie Édition musicale Architecture العصور الرومانية و البِيزنطية Époques romaine et byzantine Religion Antiquité Bâtiment CEMCA Idlib Governorate Travail Gender


Objectives and contents

HAL SHS provides publications produced by the scientific research. The expected scientific level is the one of a publication submitted in a peer-reviewed journal. HAL SHS does not limit to published documents, or even intended to be published, but the scientific contents must be suited for a display in HAL SHS.
The following types of document are not accepted:

  • master mémoire (dissertation)
  • PowerPoint presentation or poster, unless it is an annex of an article
  • bibliography alone
  • table of content of a book
  • presentation of product
  • annual report
  • experience feedback.

For contributors

  • The deposit of the fulltext should be made  in the agreement of all its authors, and in the respect for the policy of the publishers
  • A submitted document passed a moderation process. It can be rejected if it does not fullfill HAL criteria
  • Once a document is put online, it cannot be withdrawn.

For readers

  • Within the context of electronic communication, rules about intellectual property do apply. In particular, authors must be correctly recognized as such, and tne work must be cited if used.

Terms of Use

  • HAL metadata can be browsed in full or partially by OAI-PMH harvesting
  • No commercial use of the extracted data
  • Must cite the source (e.g.

Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe (UMRS 3668) []


Last update: 2023/02/20

Full-text submissions

419 340


According to the 2024 edition of the French Open Science Monitor (BSO), 67% of the 160,000 French research publications published in 2023 with a Crossref DOI are open access in December 2024, a slight increase (+1.5 points) compared to the previous year.

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