Complex nuclei in Oceanic languages: contribution to an areal typology.
In contrast with previous research on serial verbs in Oceanic languages, which was mostly devoted to "core" serial constructions (i.e. non-contiguous nuclei sV(o)sV(o)), this volume contributes a more detailed investigation of the "nuclear" type (i.e. contiguous nuclei sVV(o)), which is the predominant and sometimes sole type exhibited by the languages considered.
In previous research, the "nuclear" type was often analysed as co-lexicalization, compounding or grammaticalization (Baker 1989: 521); but as Durie (1997) points out, such an exclusion probably rests on too restricted areal data.
This volume provides new insights into this issue, new data for further typological research, as well as some structural and diachronic hypotheses which might account for the dominant "nuclear" pattern.
In previous research, the "nuclear" type was often analysed as co-lexicalization, compounding or grammaticalization (Baker 1989: 521); but as Durie (1997) points out, such an exclusion probably rests on too restricted areal data.
This volume provides new insights into this issue, new data for further typological research, as well as some structural and diachronic hypotheses which might account for the dominant "nuclear" pattern.