Le comité d'entreprise européen devant la justice
The European Works Council before the Courts : Putting Law to Work and the Producing EU Legal Norms
The competition control exercised by the European Commission excludes the intervention of national workers representatives. Since 1994, the European Works Council creates a new situation. It constitutes a new instrument allowing employee representatives to bring proceedings against any company management that attempts to keep that representative body out of consultation procedures. The mobilizing of the European Works Council of Renault against the closing of the Renault plant in Vilvord shows how the initiation of legal proceedings relayed and supported the social struggle that lasted several months in 1997. It also gave new impetus to production of European legal norms on the issues of informing and consulting workers.
European competition law – European labor law – European Works Council – Industrial relations.
The competition control exercised by the European Commission excludes the intervention of national workers representatives. Since 1994, the European Works Council creates a new situation. It constitutes a new instrument allowing employee representatives to bring proceedings against any company management that attempts to keep that representative body out of consultation procedures. The mobilizing of the European Works Council of Renault against the closing of the Renault plant in Vilvord shows how the initiation of legal proceedings relayed and supported the social struggle that lasted several months in 1997. It also gave new impetus to production of European legal norms on the issues of informing and consulting workers.
European competition law – European labor law – European Works Council – Industrial relations.
Le contrôle de la concurrence exercé par la Commission européenne tend à mettre à l'écart les instances représentatives du personnel définies au niveau national. Depuis 1994, le comité d'entreprise européen crée une situation nouvelle. Il représente un outil nouveau pour attaquer en justice les directions d'entreprises qui tentent de tenir cette instance représentative à l'écart de toute consultation. La mobilisation du comité de groupe européen de Renault contre la fermeture de l'usine de Vilvorde montre comment le recours à la justice a relayé et entretenu une lutte sociale de plusieurs mois en 1997. Elle a également suscité une relance du travail juridique européen autour des questions d'information et de consultation des travailleurs.
Comité d'entreprise européen – Droit communautaire de la concurrence – Droit communautaire du travail – Relations professionnelles.
Comité d'entreprise européen – Droit communautaire de la concurrence – Droit communautaire du travail – Relations professionnelles.