Développement, crises et adaptation des territoires du soja au Mato Grosso: l'exemple de Sorriso
A expansão da cultura da soja no sul da Amazonia Brasileira na decada de 1990 permitiu a emergência de novos territórios integrados a “economia mundial” depois da fase pioneira das décadas de 1970 e 1980. Mas, a queda dos preços, a “ferrugem asiática” (doença da soja), a variabilidade climática e as tensões ambientais levaram o setor agrícola a uma crise profunda entre 2004 e 2007. Esta crise demonstrou os limites deste modelo de desenvolvimento bem ilustrado pelo município de Sorriso (maior produtor de soja do Brasil). Os produtores procuram agora aproveitar as lições aprendidas a partir dos fracassos do passado e adaptar-se as novas normas impostas pela sociedade civil e os mercados internacionais (certificação ambiental, aplicação do código florestal, dentre outros). Vários esforços estão sendo realizados para intensificar e diversificar as produções, principalmente através da cultura do milho e do algodão. Enfim, projetos locais de desenvolvimento sustentável baseados na educação ambiental e sensibilização ao reflorestamento estão sendo criados. Isto comprova a vontade de parte dos atores locais de mudar o padrão de desenvolvimento da região.
After the pioneer phase that occurred during the 1970's and 1980's, the expansion of mechanized agriculture (especially soybean crops) in the Southern part of the Brazilian Amazon basin led to the emergence of new territories integrated in " the world economy". However, low prices, the "Asian rust" (soybean's disease), the climatic variability and the environmental tensions pulled the agricultural sector in a deep crisis between 2004 and 2007. This crisis highlighted the limits of this model of development, well illustrated by the county of Sorriso (first soybean's producing county in Brazil). The producers are now learning from past failures in order to adapt themselves to the new standards imposed by the civil society and the international markets (environmental certification, forest code application, to mention some). Numerous efforts for the intensification and diversification of productions, especially by corn and cotton crops, were done. Furthermore, local sustainability projects based on environmental education and incentives to replantation are being developed. They illustrate the desire of part of the local actors to change the regional way of development.
After the pioneer phase that occurred during the 1970's and 1980's, the expansion of mechanized agriculture (especially soybean crops) in the Southern part of the Brazilian Amazon basin led to the emergence of new territories integrated in " the world economy". However, low prices, the "Asian rust" (soybean's disease), the climatic variability and the environmental tensions pulled the agricultural sector in a deep crisis between 2004 and 2007. This crisis highlighted the limits of this model of development, well illustrated by the county of Sorriso (first soybean's producing county in Brazil). The producers are now learning from past failures in order to adapt themselves to the new standards imposed by the civil society and the international markets (environmental certification, forest code application, to mention some). Numerous efforts for the intensification and diversification of productions, especially by corn and cotton crops, were done. Furthermore, local sustainability projects based on environmental education and incentives to replantation are being developed. They illustrate the desire of part of the local actors to change the regional way of development.
L'expansion de la culture du soja au sud de l'Amazonie brésilienne dans les années 1990 a permis l'émergence de nouveaux territoires intégrés à « l'économie monde » après la phase pionnière des décennies 1970 et 1980. Cependant, la baisse des cours, la « rouille asiatique » (maladie du soja), la variabilité climatique et les tensions environnementales ont entraîné la filière agricole dans une crise profonde entre 2004 et 2007. Cette crise a alors mis en exergue les limites de ce modèle de développement, bien illustré par la commune de Sorriso (première commune productrice de soja du Brésil). Les producteurs cherchent à présent à tirer les leçons des échecs du passé et à s'adapter aux nouvelles normes imposées par la société civile et les marchés internationaux (certification environnementale, application du code forestier,...). De nombreux efforts pour l'intensification et la diversification des productions notamment par le maïs et le coton sont réalisés. De plus, des projets locaux de développement durable axés sur l'éducation environnementale et l'incitation au reboisement voient le jour et témoignent également de la volonté d'une partie des acteurs locaux de changer le mode de développement de la région.