Ex-centricity and con-centricity in translation-Various modes at work
Ex-centricity with the prefix "ex", from the Greek exo = out of, put before centricity, would symbolise a "movement away from the centre"; concentricity, with the prefix "con", from the Latin cum = with, would evoke objects sharing the same centre; therefore it corresponds to a certain form of community with the initial centre. By this, I just want to refer to various forms of writing and translating, not only to amphisboenic creatures (like anagrammatic or palindromic rhymes), but to complex structures in connection with the power of regeneration of the amphoesbene. Thus, if we consider that translation can go either ways and also be regarded as a form of regeneration, we are close to rather general considerations on the art. Thus we can easily admit that its literariness lies in a sum of possible translations meant here to reveal the polyphony of a literary work of art. In conclusion, an original can be regenerated through the act of translation; hence one of the functions of the amphisboene.