Ce fut comme une (discrète) apparition : lectures patristiques et médiévales de Lc 24, 34, “il s’est fait voir à Simon”
“The Lord was seen by Simon” in Lk 24:34 may echo Lk 24:12, Peter running to the tomb. In between those verses is told the story of Emmaus: to the two disciples reporting an apparition of the Risen Christ on the road to Emmaus, the Eleven answer with the mention of the Lord appearing to Simon. The same episode may be alluded to in 1 Co 15:5 (“He was seen by Cephas”). Some patristic and medieval authors state that Simon is actually the name of the companion of Cleophas; but to most of them the allusion to this unstaged apparition is puzzling and various hypotheses are offered regarding the time, the place and the reason for this apparition.
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