Poterie d’Ervandachat d’après les fouilles archéologiques de 2007
The complex of Yervandashat archeological site consists of three occupation periods. The study of ceramic items found in the archeological levels shows that Yervandashat had commercial relationships other Armenian, Achaemenid and Hellenistic centers. During the I occupation period (late III century B.C.) the pottery of this archaeological site was influenced by Achaemenid and sometimes Urartian culture, the 2nd occupation period (II century B.C.) is the “transition” of the pottery types and styles; here at the same time we can find examples of the typical Achaemenid pottery, of Hellenistic culture in Armenia and eventually ancient local ceramic pieces. During the 3rd occupation period (beginning of the I century B.C.) the influence of the Hellenistic colored pottery is dominant.