Nuevas investigaciones arqueológicas en Uaxactun: Resultados preliminares de la primera temporada de campo 2009 del Proyecto Arqueológico SAHI-UAXACTUN
"Investigated since the first years of archaeological exploration in Guatemala, the archaeological site of Uaxactún is visited once again. The Sahi-Uaxactún Archaeological Project of the Slovak Institute of Archaeology and History is a group effort composed of Slovakian, French, and Guatemalan researchers whose objective is to complete investigations previously undertaken at the site. During the first field season excavations were carried out in groups not investigated before or where the investigations were not intensive; these included Groups C, F, G, and H-North.
In addition, restoration work at the ball court of Group A was undertaken, as well as a new mapping program. As we advance in our investigations, we hope to complement past work at the site, collaborating for a better understanding of the history of this important settlement, a fundamental pillar within the history of Maya archaeology. " (source éditeur)
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