Reports (Research Report) Year : 2018

The autonomous vehicle as a socially-constructed object (VACOM)

Mariane Thébert
Gaele Lesteven


The VACOM project studied the image of the autonomous vehicle among the general public: what are the expectations and doubts expressed by so-called public opinion in this period that is proclaimed as that of the pre-marketing of the first vehicles with level 4 or 5 autonomy? The methodology chosen was to analyse the way in which the autonomous vehicle is represented and portrayed in French and English media coverage, in order to analyse spontaneous rather than artificially-generated discourse.
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halshs-01989305 , version 1 (22-01-2019)


  • HAL Id : halshs-01989305 , version 1


Mariane Thébert, Gaele Lesteven. The autonomous vehicle as a socially-constructed object (VACOM). [Research Report] Ifsttar. 2018. ⟨halshs-01989305⟩
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