Las dinámicas de interacción de tierras bajas con el Altiplano : descubrimientos en Cancuen y la Alta Verapaz
"The Cancuen Regional Archaeological Project is investigating the direct “frontier” between the Classic Maya civilizations of the highlands and lowlands. The 2013 investigations discovered that: 1) the site of Cancuen continues for at least 4 kilometers from the epicenter on the drained land that is not inundated or swamp. 2) Cancuen had a production and export of obsidian at a level equal, or probably greater, than any other Classic Lowland Maya site. 3) Cancuen was also probably a center of exchange of both commodities (cacao, salt, etc.), as well as export of exotic goods (jade, pyrite, etc.). 4) excavations just on the other side of the highland/lowland boundary recovered a material culture totally different from that of Cancuen or the lowlands. 5) there was a very surprising pattern of interaction here between the lowlands and highlands. 6) it is necessary to revise concepts of interaction between the Classic period lowland Maya civilization and less complex societies in the highlands. These investigations will continue for many years in the future." (source éditeur)
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