Shfaqja e Antropologjisë në Shqipëri: Shkrime të zgjedhura në 60-vjetorin e lindjes, përgatitur nga Enika Abazi [The Advent of Anthropology in Albania: Selected essays on the 60th birth anniversary, edited and introduced by Enika Abazi]
This is a collection of works translated in Albanian, aimed at showing how anthropology emerged and developed in Albania at the crossroad of Eastern and Western Europe. Albert Doja tries to identify different forms of distinction between folkloric-ethnographic studies and contemporary anthropology, emphasizing the necessity of embracing anthropological methodology in today's Albanian studies as a way to analyze and interpret Albanian specificities as an integral part of world processes. In these writings, he explores a number of issues related to the state of Albanian studies, cultural heritage and national history, including the social, political, ideological, cultural and moral transformations related to identity processes, religious questions or gender relations. His comparative analyses of history, culture, politics and society in Albania and Southeast Europe reveals the various academic cultures in which he had contributed and had gained experience, including the debates between structural anthropology and post-structuralism in the perspective of new theoretical approaches.
Një dorë manushaqe të egra për mendime të thella në studimet shqiptare. Askush nuk ka shkaktuar më shumë shkëndija intelektuale për të nxitur me kaq elegancë imagjinatën e re kërkimore shkencore në Shqipëri.
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