Low human capital accumulation traps among French NEETs: A Multidimensional and Fuzzy approach
NEETs are generally considered as young people who cannot acquire human capital either through education, training or professional experience. The aim of this communication is to discuss this issue taking in to account the heterogeneity of human capital acquisition among young people. We use a multidimensional and fuzzy approach. The main advantage of this approach is that it makes it possible to construct an indicator that is similar to a membership function by including different deprivation dimensions. The data used come from the French National Survey of Youth Resources conducted by DREES/INSEE (5800 people aged 18 to 24). Our results show a strong heterogeneity in terms of human capital accumulation. Dimension 1 (qualifications, years of education) has the largest weight in the construction of the aggregated indicator. But the other dimensions (health, informal learning experiences, social integration) contribute much more to the overall score of human capital deprivation.