Phenological shifts of flowering plants and their pollinators along an urbanisation gradient
Urbanisation is one of the main drivers of landscape modification, as vegetation andopen lands are replaced by paved surfaces, roads and buildings. These changes imply thephenomenon of urban heat islands – urban and suburban areasshow increased temperaturescompared to their rural surroundings. However, its influences on flowering period and polli-nator activity remains poorly investigated.We surveyed 12 meadows managed by local practitioners with standardised native seed mixesin the M ́etropole Europ ́eenne de Lille (northern France). Sites were selected according to anurban gradient (three urbanisation levels, based on the proportion of impervious areas withina 500m radius), and were visited bi-weekly from April 4th to June 29th 2017.We estimatedthe flowering abundance at all sites at any given observation period. At the same time, wesampled pollinators (bees and hoverflies) using pan traps and hand net. We estimated theeffects of sampling day and urbanisation level on flower cover and pollinator activity usingGLMMs.Urbanisation had a strong effect on average flowering phenology of the whole plant commu-nity. In medium and high urbanisation sites, flowering peak occurred respectively 7 and 30days earlier, compared to rural areas. Similar patterns were found for the most commonflowering species. Our results also suggest that flowering duration has increased in urbanareas. We observed phenological shifts of pollinators as urbanisation increased. Bumblebeesexperienced a similar advance of activity in moderately and highly urbanised sites, comparedto rural sites. Likewise, we observed an advancement of the activity of some solitary bees(Halictidae) in urban areas. We are currently analysing data regarding the other bee andhoverfly taxa found during the study. We will discuss the possible effects of phenology shiftson plants and pollinators, and their consequences in relation to temporal mismatches amongspecies