For a Global and Diachronic Approach to Egypto-Aegean Interconnections (17th-12th c. BCE): A New Methodology
Separated by Homer's "wine-dark sea" (Odyssey, XIX), communities of Pharaonic Egypt and the Bronze Age Aegean have been in contact since the third millennium BCE. From the 17th century BCE onwards, particularly under the emergence and development of the great powers of the Eastern Mediterranean, these relations would become more frequent and direct, until the collapse of the "International System" during the 12th century BCE.
After giving a brief overview of the previous literature on Egypto-Aegean studies, this presentation presents a current doctoral research project undertaken under the auspices of the Institut français d’archéologie orientale (IFAO, Cairo), and untitled "Egypt and the Aegean World (17th-12th c. BCE): a Global and Diachronic Approach to Their Interactions". This project aims at probing and better explaining the polymorphic nature of interactions between Aegeans and Egyptians by assessing their historical context and examining them from a diachronic perspective. The methodology adopted proposes to identify, analyze and compare the different textual, visual and material evidence available. This data will be recorded into a database which could be updated whenever new discoveries are made. It will moreover enable users to visualize the different data in the form of synthetic maps via a GIS. This data will be used to highlight the actors (elites, merchants, sailors, emissaries-ambassadors, artists-artisans, etc.), the drivers (search for raw materials, social distinction, etc.), and the mechanisms (gift-exchange, trade, cross-cultural interactions, etc.) of polymorphic interactions which took place between these two regions over these six centuries.
This project also intends to assess the relevance and value of using some anthropological models in the framework of the study and interpretation of cultural exchanges. By seriating, comparing and contextualising the data and thanks to a diachronic analysis of the results within the framework of this interdisciplinary approach, it is hoped that a new, more “global” perspective on the History of Egyptian-Aegean relationships will be attained.