The bone and antler industry of the oldest archaeological site of Estonia: The Pulli site (Tori) - HAL-SHS - Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société
Communication Dans Un Congrès Année : 2005

The bone and antler industry of the oldest archaeological site of Estonia: The Pulli site (Tori)

Éva David


Pulli site is the oldest Mesolithic site of Estonia (Poska & Veski 1999) which has been founded in the end of the IXe century (Kriiska 1997) and excavated during the years 1975 and 1976 by L. and K. Jaanits (Jaanits & Jaanits 1975 and 1978). It has delivered hundred of bone and antler artefacts which are available for a technological study undertaken by the present author near by the study of the whole collection by estonian prehistorians K. Jaanits, A. Kriiska and, as archaeozoologist, L. Lougas. The paper will present its preliminary results and, as far as bone and antler are concerned, the Pulli industry will be define and consider in relation with the other contemporary Technocomplexes of northern Europe. DAVID E. (s. p. Internationale Archäologie. Arbeitsgemeinschaft, Symposium, Tagung, Kongress. Éd. Verlag Marie Leidorf GmbH. Rahden/Westf. 2002) The debitage and manufacture techniques on bone and antler used during Early and Middle Mesolithic in northern Europe : definitions and experimental works. In 3rd International Meeting of the Worked Bone Research Group, Augst, 4 - 9 Septembre 2001. DAVID E. (s. p. Oxbow Monographs) The contribution of the technological study of bone and antler industry for the definition of the Early Maglemose culture. In 6th International Conference on the Mesolithic in Europe Meso 2000, Stockholm, 4 - 8 Septembre 2000. JAANITS L. ; JAANITS K. (1975) Frühmesolithischen Siedlung in Pulli. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised (Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences) 1 : 64-70. JAANITS L. ; JAANITS K. (1978) Ausgrabungen der Frühmesolithischen Siedlung von Pulli. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised (Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences) 1 : 56-63. KRIISKA A. (1997) Pärnu muinasuurijad ja muinasteadus (Archaeology and the antiquarians of Pärnu). In 100 aastat Pärnu Muinasuurimise. Artiklite kogumik. Pärnumaa Ajalugu. Vihik 1. Pärnu : 18-29 et 144. POSKA A. ; VESKI S. (1999) Man and environment at 9500 BP : a palynological study of an Early Mesolithic settlement site in south-west Estonia. In Proceedings of the 5th EPPC. Krakow, W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences (Acta Palaeobotanica Supplementum 2) : 603-607.
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halshs-03923358 , version 1 (04-01-2023)


  • HAL Id : halshs-03923358 , version 1


Éva David. The bone and antler industry of the oldest archaeological site of Estonia: The Pulli site (Tori). 4th ICAZ-WBRG Meeting, H. Luik; L. Maldre, Aug 2003, Tallin, Estonia. pp.67-74. ⟨halshs-03923358⟩
16 Consultations
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