The Feminisation of Horticulture in England as seen from France at the Turn of the 20th Century
I propose, in this paper, to contribute to a transnational history of gardens through the prism of gender studies. More specifically, I will look at the way in which the feminisation of horticulture and gardens in England at the turn of the twentieth century was exploited by the French press. The years 1895-1910 saw a flourishing of press campaigns calling on France to follow the American, German and, above all, English examples by opening up horticultural schools and the horticultural professions to women. To what extent do the editorial and political lines of newspapers provide a distorting prism for the situation of women in gardening and horticulture in these two countries? I will base my paper on a cross-analysis of the women's/feminist press and the specialist trade press in France, in order to highlight the effects of polarity within the debates, particularly around female figures such as the Countess of Warwick and Frances Wolseley.
Mots clés
Studley Horticultural & Agricultural College for Women
Women's Agricultural and Horticultural International Union
Women's Farm and Garden Union
Frances Wolesley
Women's press
Feminist press
Kew Gardens
Royal Horticultural Society
Gardening for Women
Royal Horticultural Gardens
Alice Cushing
Gardening and horticulture
Gardening networks
Women - Gender
Women education
Horticultural history
Horticultural education
19th - 20th centuries
19th - 20th century
Ada Goodrich Freer
Lady Warwick
Swanley Horticultural College
Histoire des jardins
Marie Latappy
Mathilde Roberty
Jeanne de la Rive
Ecole supérieure d’horticulture pour jeunes filles
Ecole de la Corbière
Féminisation des professions
Féminisation de l'horticulture
Odette Bussard
Marion Gilbert
Léon Bussard
Marguerite Durand
La Fronde
La Fronde journal
La Femme journal
La Femme
La Française journal
La Française
Revue horticole
Le Jardin - Revue bimensuelle d'horticulture générale
Lyon horticole
Presse féminine
Presse horticole
Presse féministe
XIXe - XXe siècle
Philippe Rivoire
Marie Galtier
Madeleine Lajoye
Marie d’Abbadie d’Arrast
Marcelle Tinayre
Union pour l’enseignement agricole et horticole féminin
René Dreyfus
Pénurie de main-d'oeuvre
Réseaux féministes