Humains et objets en action : <br />essai sur la réification de la domination masculine - HAL-SHS - Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société
Chapitre D'ouvrage L'engendrement des choses. Des hommes, des femmes et des techniques Année : 2002

Humains et objets en action :
essai sur la réification de la domination masculine


In the wake of the industrial revolution the workplace has become a technological environment characterised by the presence of machines and other artifacts. Starting at the end of the 19th century, this feature of industrial spaces, and the worker's world more generally, spread to other areas of work, and other sectors of the economy in Western capitalist societies. My research into office work and the world of employees has been aimed at understanding the social, technological and social changes that occurred in French offices starting in the 1890s.
These changes took place in a context that was heavily influenced by the American model governing the rationalization of administrative work. A transformation contemporary to these others was the feminization of both the social group of office workers and the administrative tasks themselves, a development that is common to all the Western capitalist economies and seems to be irreversible.
To observe how both office work and the office employees 'change sex' during this period is a way of contributing to the analysis of the emergence of contemporary societies and to gaining a better understanding of them. The office is not an innocent space. Indeed, it is one of the places where a new era of work and of the economy as well as a new technological culture were invented.
This paper does not, however, aim to examine the macro-social transformations taking place during this period, but rather to present a microstudy of the modalities governing the introduction of new artifacts and new types of people, in this case women, into the office. By means of different examples – short-hand and the typewriter, the sale of calculating machines, the technologies of control used by senior male employees, etc. – I will explore how gender identity was elaborated as part of the same movement that introduced the relevant technologies.
Cet article tente d'envisager quelques uns des aspects des relations entre humains et objets en situation de travail à partir de l'espace du bureau, des techniques et des pratiques qui y ont cours au début du XXe siècle. Discussion entre la tradition de l'histoire et de la sociologie du travail et l'analyse sociologique des techniques, il vise à envisager la façon dont les techniques sont engagées dans la production et la reproduction de la division sexuelle du travail et plus largement la production et la reproduction de la domination masculine.
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halshs-00003962 , version 1 (09-06-2005)


  • HAL Id : halshs-00003962 , version 1


Delphine Gardey. Humains et objets en action :
essai sur la réification de la domination masculine. L'engendrement des choses. Des hommes, des femmes et des techniques, Achives Contemporaines, 2002. ⟨halshs-00003962⟩
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