Complex predicates in Nêlêmwa
This paper analyses the various types of serial and complex verbs and the criteria that help restrict this phenomenon in Nêlêmwa. Complex verbs belong to three main types involving various types of verb and different hierarchies: (i) time-iconic, co-ranking active verbs; (ii) asymmetric verbs expressing adverbial modification or aspectual and modal specification; (iii) semi-grammaticalized verb strings with argument-expanding or conjunctive functions. This paper also investigates the role of complex verbs in a typology of clause-linkage and assesses the syntactic, semantic and discourse differences between one-clause and multi-clause strategies: i.e. between complex verbs and syndetic or asyndetic coordinate or subordinate VPs and clauses. It also assesses the semantic notions which are conceptualized as complex predicates rather than as interdependent clauses.