A digital photogrammetric workstation on the web
The main features of a WEB-based tool for digital architectural photogrammetry called Architectural Photogrammetry
Ž .Network Tool for Education and Research ARPENTEUR are presented. The aim of this project is to propose a
photogrammetric software package made freely available on the Internet as an applet through a simple browser
Ž .http:rrwww.arpenteur.net . All the photogrammetric adjustment and image processing classes are written in Javae. The
use of large applets in photogrammetry has not been very advanced until now but rate transfers and compatibility levels of
Internet browsers will increase in the near future. Users can set up their own projects by transferring their images, camera,
and control information on the ARPENTEUR servers from any place in the world connected on the Internet. Various
examples of small format architectural photogrammetry projects are also accessible via WWW and can be used for teaching.
Ž .This software is an extension of the Traitement d'Images et Photogrammetrie Numerique TIPHON software developed at ́ ́
ENSAIS-LERGEC. The photogrammetric model is currently computed by the traditional steps of inner, relative and absolute
orientations. The measurements in the images can be performed manually or by image correlation. The measured points,
lines, and geometrical primitives are recorded in text files and visualised inside a standard WEB browser. The plotting
module is especially dedicated to architectural surveys and based on a formalisation of architectural and geometrical
knowledge. The latest developments of the Java programming language and object-oriented systems are used in ARPEN-
TEUR, both in the photogrammetric and in the architectural part, and ensure a high level of compatibility with any hardware
platform supporting a WEB browser.
Ž .Network Tool for Education and Research ARPENTEUR are presented. The aim of this project is to propose a
photogrammetric software package made freely available on the Internet as an applet through a simple browser
Ž .http:rrwww.arpenteur.net . All the photogrammetric adjustment and image processing classes are written in Javae. The
use of large applets in photogrammetry has not been very advanced until now but rate transfers and compatibility levels of
Internet browsers will increase in the near future. Users can set up their own projects by transferring their images, camera,
and control information on the ARPENTEUR servers from any place in the world connected on the Internet. Various
examples of small format architectural photogrammetry projects are also accessible via WWW and can be used for teaching.
Ž .This software is an extension of the Traitement d'Images et Photogrammetrie Numerique TIPHON software developed at ́ ́
ENSAIS-LERGEC. The photogrammetric model is currently computed by the traditional steps of inner, relative and absolute
orientations. The measurements in the images can be performed manually or by image correlation. The measured points,
lines, and geometrical primitives are recorded in text files and visualised inside a standard WEB browser. The plotting
module is especially dedicated to architectural surveys and based on a formalisation of architectural and geometrical
knowledge. The latest developments of the Java programming language and object-oriented systems are used in ARPEN-
TEUR, both in the photogrammetric and in the architectural part, and ensure a high level of compatibility with any hardware
platform supporting a WEB browser.