Du roman, expérimental
Thoughts on an (experimental) novel
Hinze-Kunze-Roman by Volker Braun, which was published in 1986 in the GDR, asks the reader some fundamental questions on the content as well as on the writing itself—so much so that one may well wonder whether it is indeed a novel. In a resolutely modern work of fiction that takes delight in showing what really goes on behind the scenes, both in politics and in the author's workshop, Volker Braun manages to avoid the traps of censorship thereby affording himself the greatest possible freedom to tell his story and make his characters—in part derived from fragments borrowed from previous literary models—as believable and vivid as possible. Taking advantage of all the gaps and gaping holes left by the author, the reader is frequently, if not constantly, called on to take a considerable part in making sense of it all. If indeed this is a novel, then it has to classed as an experimental one.
Hinze-Kunze-Roman by Volker Braun, which was published in 1986 in the GDR, asks the reader some fundamental questions on the content as well as on the writing itself—so much so that one may well wonder whether it is indeed a novel. In a resolutely modern work of fiction that takes delight in showing what really goes on behind the scenes, both in politics and in the author's workshop, Volker Braun manages to avoid the traps of censorship thereby affording himself the greatest possible freedom to tell his story and make his characters—in part derived from fragments borrowed from previous literary models—as believable and vivid as possible. Taking advantage of all the gaps and gaping holes left by the author, the reader is frequently, if not constantly, called on to take a considerable part in making sense of it all. If indeed this is a novel, then it has to classed as an experimental one.
Le Hinze-Kunze-Roman de Volker Braun, paru en 1986 en RDA, pose un certain nombre de questions fondamentales au lecteur, tant sur le contenu que sur l'écriture elle-même – au point qu'on peut se demander s'il s'agit encore d'un roman. Dans une œuvre résolument moderne, qui se plaît à montrer l'envers du décor, aussi bien les coulisses de la politique que la cuisine de l'auteur, Volker Braun déjoue les pièges de la censure pour s'assurer la plus grande liberté possible de conter et donner le corps le plus crédible et le plus vivant possible à des personnages constitués en partie de morceaux empruntés à des modèles littéraires antérieurs. Le lecteur, profitant de toutes les failles, les béances aménagées par l'auteur est fréquemment sinon constamment invité à prendre une part considérable à la construction du sens. Si roman il y a, il ne saurait être qu'expérimental.
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