Connaissances mises en œuvre par les enseignants de sciences physiques pour la préparation d'un cours
Our research was conducted from the perspective of how educational content is adapted to what a
teacher needs to know. This study seeks to discover how new and experienced teachers draw
from their professional knowledge to prepare a course of study. This knowledge may be related to
the teacher's discipline, or may be of a pedagogical, didactic, or institutional nature. We recorded
explanatory interviews with new and experienced teachers and then analyzed this data based on a
categorical model than represents different modes of acquiring and transmitting knowledge. The
study allowed us to highlight the use of institutional and/or opportunistic resources. Depending on
his or her degree of expertise, these resources are incorporated differently into the teacher's
professional practice.
teacher needs to know. This study seeks to discover how new and experienced teachers draw
from their professional knowledge to prepare a course of study. This knowledge may be related to
the teacher's discipline, or may be of a pedagogical, didactic, or institutional nature. We recorded
explanatory interviews with new and experienced teachers and then analyzed this data based on a
categorical model than represents different modes of acquiring and transmitting knowledge. The
study allowed us to highlight the use of institutional and/or opportunistic resources. Depending on
his or her degree of expertise, these resources are incorporated differently into the teacher's
professional practice.
Cette recherche s'inscrit dans la perspective d'adaptation des contenus d'une formation aux besoins et connaissances des enseignants. L'étude présentée ici vise à connaître comment les enseignants débutants et confirmés utilisent leurs connaissances lors de la préparation d'un cours. Ces connaissances peuvent être de différents types : disciplinaires, pédagogique, didactique, liées à l'institution... Pour cela, nous avons enregistré des entretiens d'explicitation avec des enseignants débutant et confirmés, puis analysé ces données sur la base d'une catégorisation fondée sur les modes d'acquisition et de transmission des connaissances. Cette étude a permis de mettre en évidence l'utilisation de ressources institutionnelles et/ou opportunistes. Ces ressources sont intégrées différemment à la pratique professionnelle de l'enseignant suivant son degré d'expertise.