Le seconde generazioni di fronte alla precarizzazione e all'etnicizzazione del lavoro in Francia
The second generations in France: ethnicity and precariousness in the labour market - This article examines the situation of immigrant young generations in France, with a specific focus on their process of insertion in the labour market. As it emerges from different sources, this process can be influenced both by ethnic forms of discrimination and by precarious employment. The biographical paths of the second generation testifies on one hand the fragmentation and the ethnic stratification of the labour market, while on the other economic issues are entrenched, with the multiplication of the spaces of transnational trade and its related factors. The main opportunities available for the second generation, at a local level, relate to trajectories of ethnic enclaves or ethnic niches and to the access to selected forms of employments, mainly as care-workers. However, some groups are able to start up ethnic transnational businesses. Consequently, against a background characterised by globalisation and uncertainty, only some individuals succeed in managing a process of globalized individualization.