Book Sections Year : 2009

Social participation and environmental assessment policies


The aim of this paper is to examine to what extent environmental assessment policies and its associated participatory devices could be a tool for achieving a shift from a dualist model based on a strict separation between nature and culture to an integrated or hybrid one where nature is brought back into politics and where operate collectives associating humans and nonhumans.
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halshs-00503097 , version 1 (25-07-2010)


  • HAL Id : halshs-00503097 , version 1


Pascal Marty. Social participation and environmental assessment policies. Pascal Marty, Sandrine Devaux. Social movements and public action: Lessons from environmental issues, Centre français de recherche en sciences sociales (CEFRES), pp.131-148, 2009. ⟨halshs-00503097⟩
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