1902-1946 以老西开事件为背景的天津法租界及其在扩张行动中遇到的阻碍至法租界的收回 (The French Concession of Tianjin and its thwarted plan of expansion, from the background of the Laoxikai Incident to the retrocession, 1902-1946)
This paper aims to present the progression of my research thesis covering the French concession of Tianjin and its thwarted project of annexing the Laoxikai District from 1902 to the retrocession in 1946. Between 1860 and 1946, the city of Tianjin was forced to cede some concession territories to nine Western powers, each of them established settlements to the south of the city. The number of nine concessions reached in one city is an unprecedented case in the history of treaty ports in China. As a result of this extreme contiguity, many problems appeared, especially those related to land management and development. Founded on May 29, 1861 and given back in 1946, the former French concession provides an exemplary model for the examination of foreigners' attempts to expand their officially demarcated territories. The purpose of this study is to analyze the French thwarted project of expansion in Laoxikai District from its beginning in 1902 to its settlement in 1937. Despite reaching this delayed agreement with both the Chinese and Japanese governments, protests against the French presence in Laoxikai District did not cease until the French concession's retrocession. The expansive nature of foreign concessions in China remains one of the scarcely-studied and least-known aspects of treaty ports' history in China, especially as a global approach; hence, the case of the French concession in Tianjin has to be compared with different processes of expansion in Tianjin and in other major treaty ports such as Shanghai or Hankou. Using the tools of connected history, we will draw on three scales of analysis: the first at the concessions' perspective, the second at the city of Tianjin's, and the third at the treaty ports in China. Thus we can place the Laoxikai incident and its consequences in the broader context of the land development issue, a crucial point in the history of concessions in China. In this paper, I will first describe my ongoing research. I will then present my research advancement in Europe and Tianjin with a brief presentation of national archives in both sides and the primary sources I have already used.
这篇文章的目的是介绍本人博士研究的进展,其内容是1902-1946年以老西开事件为背景的天津法租界及其在扩张行动中遇到的阻碍至法租界的收回。 天津在1860至1946年之间被西方9国列强以租界的形式瓜分,其分布在天津老城的南部。在中国历史上所有通商口岸当中,天津是唯一一个有9国进驻的沿海城市。由于这些租界地理位置上紧密相连,因此产生各种各样的问题,尤其是租界空间的管理和发展。 本人以天津法租界及其老西开扩张为案例,并以其为基础来研究所有在中国的外国租界总体现象。同时利用连接历史的方法,分3个研究层次:天津法租界,天津城市及其它通商口岸,上海、汉口等。 该文章首先介绍本人当下研究的内容,其次是在欧洲和中国的研究进展。