Strong Indefinites are not Quantificational
This paper is concerned with the analysis of strong indefinites and in
particular of the proportional readings of many. Can we account for the proportional
readings of many by assuming a uniform analysis, according to which many is a
cardinality predicate, or do we need to postulate an ambiguity between a cardinality
predicate and a quantificational determiner (Partee 1989)? I will argue in favour of the
uniform analysis by comparing proportional most with proportional many: it will be
shown that the former is necessarily a quantificational determiner (as in Generalized
Quantifier theory, contra Hackl 2009), whereas the latter is a cardinality predicate
inside a strong indefinite DP. This somewhat paradoxical result (a strong DP built with
weak many) will be given a compositional semantics by assuming that constituents of
the form many NP are headed by a null Determiner that has the semantics of plural some.