Cálculo de indicadores para a avaliação do processo de expansão da cultura canavieira – procedimentos metodológicos para a extracao de dados multifontes.
This article aimed to present a methodological procedures and geoprocessing techniques used for data extraction
either of thematic cartographic bases or of spatial models in order to calculate indicators for the sugarcane expansion
assessment, applied to four microregions of Goiás State, Brazil: Sudoeste de Goiás, Vale do Rio dos Bois, Quirinópolis
and Meia Ponte. The various spatial data in shape format, acquired from secondary sources or elaborated models were
introduced in a Geographical Information System (GIS) which, through simple techniques of geoprocessing, were done
adjustments and spatial data integration in order to obtain data (physical quantities) required for the calculus of various
indexes proposed by the Indicators System of Sugarcane Water Sustainability Assessment -SISH-Cana (FERRAZ,
2012). The results demonstrate the appropriateness of the techniques used. The details level of spatial models adopted
was appropriate, considering that the proposed indexes applies to the characterization of territorial units of analysis
with large geographical coverage (micro-regions) for a strategic level of planning.