Indicators extracted from spatial models for sugarcane water sustainability assessment: study case of municipalities in the southwest region of the Goiás State, Brazil.
Indicadores extraídos de modelos espaciais para a avaliação da sustentabilidade hídrica da cultura canavieira: Estudo de caso dos municípios do sudoeste do Estado de Goiás, Brasil.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the indicators for Water Sustainability Assessment of Agricultural Systems, proposed by Ferraz (2012), by conducting a study case to assess the sugarcane activity water sustainability in 10 municipalities in the southwest region of the Goiás State, Brazil. These indicators are direct indexes obtained from data extracted through geoprocessing techniques from spatial models, such as: (i) Sugarcane Agroecological Zoning (Embrapa, 2009); (ii) Water contamination vulnerability by agricultural effluents model (Barbalho e Campos, 2010); (iii) Specific flow spatially model (Ferraz, 2012.). The indexes allow indicate: (i) pedoclimatic favorability areas: (ii) the surface and groundwater contamination vulnerability areas; (iii) sugarcane water sustainability level. The results show that the indicators were able to characterize and distinguish the differences between the units of analysis (municipalities) and, considering the scale and the detail level required, spatial models used were appropriate.