D 7.2 Design and Sustainability Plan for an Open Humanities Data Platform
The Data Deposit Recommendation Service (DDRS) intends to help the user to identify suitable research data repositories depending on case-specific requirements. As an added value service, the DDRS offers the initiation of the ingest and communication process between user and repository by forwarding a deposit request along with a structured description of the research data to the appropriate point of contact.
About the nature of this document: This deliverable follows the report "Deliverable 7.1 State of the Art Report on Open Access Research Data for the Humanities" in the Humanities at Scale (HaS) work package 7 “Open Data Infrastructure”. It forms the concept for the "D 7.3 Open Data in the Humanities Platform" and prepares the implementation of the service. The Open Data Platform has been refined to a Data Deposit Recommendation Service (DDRS). The reasoning behind this process and the concept for the service are described in this document.
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