ORTOLANG: a French Infrastructure for Open Resources and TOols for LANGuage
ORTOLANG 1 (Open Resources and Tools for Language: www.ortolang.fr) is a French infrastructure which aims to ensure the management, pooling and sharing, dissemination and long-term preservation of language resources such as corpora, lexicons, terminologies and language processing tools, with particular focus on the languages of France. It will be used as a technical language platform for written and oral language forms. The ORTOLANG software platform is based on a new Digital Object Repository service. By combining a Service Oriented Architecture for high level services and a Software Component Architecture for its Repository Service, the platform seeks to build a robust and reliable Digital Object Repository that provides rich functionalities and a modern interface delivering excellent performances and the best optimization strategies. Thanks to its hardware and software architecture choices, the ORTOLANG platform ensures very flexible evolution possibilities to guarantee long-time support for the hosted resources.
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