Le monastère Saint-Pierre d’Osor (île de Cres) : dixième et onzième campagne d’études archéologiques
Before the presentation of the 2016 campaign, the results of the campaign of 2015 are briefly cited. The completion of the excavation of the reduced church, the further analysis of its structures as well as the stratigraphical analysis allowed us to reformulate our hypothesis and advance our knowledge of the first church on the site which seems to have had a cruciform ground plan and have been built in the proto-Byzantine period. This year’s campaign was mostly carried out in the area of the Romanesque church vestibule (sector V) and of its north-east exterior (sector VI). Among most important contributions is the discovery of the large vessel found in the northern part of the vestibule whose space was clearly partitioned both in elevation (partition in bays) and at ground level (privileged burials in the central bay, infant burials in the southern bay). Numerous medieval tombs were found and excavated in the sector VI, as well as two graves from the iron age that were discovered under the medieval built tombs in front of the vestibule.