Orientations for territorial cooperation
Here we synthesise our findings with a view to address our key questions. First, are Europe and its neighbourhoods really “One Region”? Despite regional integration through transport and energy networks, it has to be acknowledged that there is rather “shallow” than “deep” regional integration and as a matter of fact, rather regional de-integration than integration. Second, how can the Europeans reduce risks and foster opportunities in their neighbourhoods? We summarise several avenues for EU’s action: (i) promoting the territorial approach, which is a competitive advantage for Europe in its neighbourhoods; (ii) ending its dissymmetrical relationship with neighbours and a cooperation driven by aid; (iii) focusing on a few key issues: mobility, energy, agriculture, water and environment; (iv) promoting the Neighbourhood Policy (which is not sufficiently known yet) and the notion of greater region (Europe + neighbourhoods); (v) reformulating the neighbourhoods vision thanks to European policies cross-cutting. Our overarching recommendation would be to design and implement, thanks to a tight cooperation between Europe and its neighbours, a “Neighbourhoods Territorial Agenda”, which would provide all public and private stakeholders with a shared vision of our common region.