Trade evidence from ware association (amphoras, coarse and fine ware) in archaeological domestic deposits of hellenistic Alexandria (Egypt)
Indices de commercialisation des récipients céramique italiques (amphores, vaisselle fine, commune et culinaire) à Alexandrie durant l’époque hellénistique et le début de l’Empire
Since wide archaeological investigations and excavation surveys are led in the city center of Alexandria, research about pottery assemblages brought light on specific connections occurring between the harbor city and the italic peninsula during Hellenistic period. Among long distance imports, those identified as italic will be presented as far as possible according to a qualitative criterion (geographical origin) and quantitative (statistical presence). Ware which travelled beside amphoras most probably as cargo complement of outbound shipwrecks in Eastern Mediterranean area are found in domestic or funeral context in Alexandria also and show how italic contribution according to his regional origins is changing time to time. Exchanges, identified from black-glazed pottery of "Gnathia" type and grey molded lamps, are establishing first of all a connection with Apulia at the beginning of IIIth s av. J.-C. From the IIth century, campanian products are reaching Alexandria mainly with black-glazed Campanienne A ware. At the beginning of Ist century A.D. we counted numbers of fine wall pottery as well as kitchen ware and wine amphoras made in Italy. During augustean and tiberian periods, sigillata fine ware from Etruria is introduced with a large quantity of italic oil lamps as well as wine and oil containers. The study of the italic amphoras on the scale of the city was already led by K. Senol, but within this framework, we tried to focus specifically on pottery groups connected to Alexandrian domestic contexts and to show the whole italic contribution between IIIrd century B.C. and the beginning of imperial period by joining datas about all kind of pots.