Sewn Ships from Istria (Croatia): the shipwrecks of Zambratija and Pula
The article provides preliminary results of two archaeological excavations undertaken in 2013 in the Istria County, by the Archaeological Museum of Istria in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia and the Centre Camille Jullian (Aix-Marseille University – CNRS). In Zambratija (Umag), the seabed preserved the remains of an exceptional vessel from the Proto Historical Period. The ship, preserved up to the gunwale for about 7 m, belongs to the family of the assembled logboats. The hull is entirely constructed by using the sewing technique, according to the ancient technique used by the local tribe of the Histri and that survived in Roman time. In Pula the silted harbour of the Roman city preserved the remains of two maritime vessels, Pula 1 and Pula 2, from the Early Roman Imperial Period. The ships belong to diverse functional ship types, and present different patterns in the sewing technique used for the outer shell assembly.
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