El Glifo-Emblema, un glifo dinástico maya
"Since Heinrich Berlin (1958), various investigators have identified a glyph as the royal title of the Classic Maya world. It consists of a group of three signs, including the adjective kuhul(divine), the noun ajaw (lord), and a sign that varies. This glyph is translated as “divine lord of X”. Each emblem glyph corresponds, apparently, to a specific site. Nonetheless, some Maya cities shared the same emblem (Tikal-Dos Pilas, Uaxactun-Yaxchilan, Calakmul-Dzibanché). Besides emblem-glyphs, Maya cities also were designated by toponyms. But the two did not function in the same way in the texts. In this work, we attempt to demonstrate that the emblem-glyph is not tied to a city but to specific persons. This title was
dynastic, and a change in the ruling family entailed changes or adaptations to the emblem-glyph." (source éditeur)
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