From Rebellion to Extinction: Where Have All the Tory Remainer MPs gone? - HAL-SHS - Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société
Article Dans Une Revue The Political Quarterly Année : 2020

From Rebellion to Extinction: Where Have All the Tory Remainer MPs gone?


This article examines the process of extinction of former remainer Conservative MPs who followed different paths in the run‐up to the 2019 general election: either choosing to stay loyal and merge with the rest of the parliamentary party, or to express their discontent and leave the party. When they chose to rebel against the leadership, only a small minority dared to vindicate their position. The other rebels constantly played down their identity as remainers and justified their views in an apologetic way. More remarkably, they were treated differently by Boris Johnson, who eventually suspended the last remainers and called for a general election to renew the composition of the party. The consequences of this last move are crucial in order to understand the radical transformation of the Conservative Party into the actual (and only) ‘party of Brexit’.
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Dates et versions

halshs-02555971 , version 1 (27-11-2021)



Agnès Alexandre-Collier. From Rebellion to Extinction: Where Have All the Tory Remainer MPs gone?. The Political Quarterly, 2020, 91 (1), pp.24-30. ⟨10.1111/1467-923X.12824⟩. ⟨halshs-02555971⟩
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