Conference Papers Year : 2020

Spatialising the urban metabolism (AScUS Unconference)


The topic of "spatialising the urban metabolism" has met with growing interest among researchers and has grown significantly in recent years. According to Scopus, we have identified 438 published articles, the majority from 2010s. The scientific landscapes are varied and among 20 communities according to a bibiometric analysis. This topic can be understood as the idea of opening the "black box" of urban material and energy functioning, but also of considering that the spatial dimension should not be treated as "absolute" and homogeneous, when it can be very politically charged and refers to numerous socioeconomic and territorial processes. The goal of the discussion session could entail, what can we learn from spatialising metabolic analysis / spatialising flows and actors / linking urban metabolism and spatial planning / territorial ecology / different sub-metabolisms for the same city / relationship between cities and their hinterland / political-industrial ecology / linking metabolic flows and ecosystem services, etc. Before the discussion, we had 6 introductory contributions: Contribution Jean-Baptiste Bahers (short summary): The presentation will show a bibliometric analysis according from Scopus database. We have identified 483 published articles, the majority from 2010s. The scientific landscapes are varied and among 20 communities. We will show a map of co-citation of cited authors based on bibliographic data and co-occurrence map based of notions from titles, abstracts and key words. Finally, we will discuss the terms of "spatial", ie the notions, concepts, theories and methods which emerge from it.
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halshs-02899337 , version 1 (24-07-2020)


  • HAL Id : halshs-02899337 , version 1


Jean-Baptiste Bahers, Aristide Athanassiadis, Paul Hoekman. Spatialising the urban metabolism (AScUS Unconference). AScUS Unconference Actionable Science for Urban Sustainability · 3-5 June 2020, Jun 2020, Segovia, France. ⟨halshs-02899337⟩
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