The EU’s Contribution to State Recognition
The European Union has no legal capacity to recognize or to refuse to recognize States.However, the broad array of instruments contributing to the diversity and scope of its externalaction singles it out within the highly varied category of international organizations. Thechanging degree of mobilization of its different instruments depending on the geographicalproximity of the contested entity, on political considerations such as the power of the thirdStates supporting the contested entity, or on past experience reveals that the EU modulates itsinterventions in accordance with its own interests to the extent they are compatible with itsMember States’interests. Framed by the EU’s principles and objectives of external action as laiddown by Article 21 TEU, foremost among which is respect for international law, suchmobilization of its external action instruments enables it to support certain contested entities intheir state-building process, as well as to help to prevent the unlawful emergence of new entitiesand so work towards non-recognition of their statehood