Building, Encoding, and Annotating a Corpus of Parliamentary Debates in XML-TEI: A Cross-Linguistic Account
This data paper introduces an integrative and comprehensive method for the linguistic annotation of parliamentary discourse. Initially conceived as a documentation for a specific and rather small-scale research project, the annotation scheme takes into account national specificities and is geared to proposing an annotation scheme that is both highly standardised and adaptable to other research contexts. The paper reads as a specific application of the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) framework applied to a subset of parliamentary debates. This strategy has two main applications: first, to develop a model for the encoding of parliamentary corpora by providing a systematic way of annotating both elements within the text (e.g. turns, incidents, interruptions) and the metadata associated with it (e.g. variables pertaining to the speaker or the speech event); second, to provide a cross-linguistic empirical basis for further annotation projects.