Overview of Refugees’ access to housing in France: the metropoles of Lyon and Rennes
This work is the country research report prepared within Work Package 2, focused on
housing solutions for refugees and beneficiaries of international protection status in
France, delivered under the H2020 project MERGING—Integration for Migrants. The
main objectives of this report are to:
• Map the actions, scope, actors and resources involved in the access to housing
for refugees
• Portrait refugees’ needs and households
• Provide recommendations to associative, private and public stakeholders
Our report describes the actions engaged to favor refugees’ access to housing in two
French metropoles: Lyon and Rennes. Our study highlighted the existence of three
different types of actions: actions impulsed by the gouvernement (top-down), actions
developed by local actors and implemented at the national level (down-up) and
actions developed by local actors and implemented at the local level (horizontal). We
point the limits of the current system, segregating people based on their perceived
desirability and autonomy as well as on their age and gender.
Our report describes the multilevel governance existing regarding refugees’ access to
housing in Lyon and Rennes. Based on Czischke (2018) multilevel governance model,
we map stakeholders based on three dimensions (civil society, public authorities and
markets) at both the local, regional and national levels. Six types of actors are
identified: professional actors mandated by the government, professional actors
operating without official mandate, confessional associations, civil initiatives,
professional activists, and other types of actors.
Interestingly, our report points the heterogeneity of actions and situations existing on
the French soil regarding refugees’ access and participation to housing. While national
actors tend to standardize procedures by implementing a single policy to the overall
population of refugees, local actors try to adapt to individual needs and situations. The
decentralization engaged by the French government a couple of years ago has two
major consequences. First, it tends to raise competition among associations to get
public subventions and – thus – the influence and decision power of those that
received official mandate. Second, it increases the fragmentation of the French
reception scheme and the heterogeneity of actors and procedures among territories.
Our reports highlights differences in the way refugees are taking (or not) part in the
allocation process locally, and regarding the consideration of their needs.
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