Autonomous vehicle: attitude, activities, and feelings
Between myth and reality, the concept of autonomous vehicle (AV) is becoming a credible alternative for the coming decades. The objective of this paper is to improve our knowledge about attitudes towards autonomous vehicles (AV). The first challenge is to identify the activities which could be performed in the AV. The second challenge is to characterise emotions towards the AV while the third is to better understand the link between the socio-demographic characteristics and attitudes towards the AV. The analysis is based on an online survey with a representative panel in France (1 100 respondents). The results show that car users are those who are the most interested in the autonomous vehicle. Also, they will not be ready to use the full potential of AV because 70% of them declare “watching the road” as their main activity. This can be explained by the fact that AV is associated with feelings of stress, being afraid and apprehension, even for people who already use driving assistance systems. Of the people questioned, those between 46 to 65 years old have a more positive attitude toward AV than others. Finally, the possibility of working inside an AV acts negatively on AV use through the risk of the added workload anticipated by individuals and by the fact that individuals do not perceive the interest of working inside a vehicle rather than at home or in the workplace.
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