GeCSO : un état des champs du management des connaissances, Conférence introductive.
To present the state of the art of a rising French research community on Knowledge Management, who
organized during the past four years years now, a French speaking congress (GeCSO). Interests in Knowledge
Management (KM) come from various disciplines; economy, social, engineering. These interests are not often
linked. Within the firms, KM practices vary a lot depending on national cultures and on activity sectors.
However, one can identify a potential symmetry between the diversity of practices and the partitioning of
scientific approaches. In order to synthesize the different approaches in KM, we have studied all the
62 papers published in the first three conferences. To have a first representation of the diversity, we analyzed the
keywords that were used: among 173 keywords used by the authors, 8 keywords represent 27% of the total