Do as I say not as I do : contradictory national housing production strategies and development of affordable housing in the Grand Paris Express station areas
Since the launch of a metropolitan underground’s network project in the Paris region in 2010, the stations districts, newly invested by metropolitan logics and becoming levers of growth and attraction of private capital (Halbert and Attuyer 2016), are subject to State-led housing productions. This article focuses on the reconfigurations of housing policies in the suburban municipalities soonly served by the future subway network.
Mobilizing seventy semi-directive interviews , we question the State's attempts to regulate the affordable housing’s production within the areas. These national regulations are based on several control vehicles addressed to municipalities to develop social diversity within their station's district.
Nevertheless, despite national public action guidelines and models of good practice for the development of station districts, the survey highlights an ambiguous role played by the State. Through several state-owned public institutions exercing land value capture strategies, the State actually relies on real estate developers to build housing programs fully dedicated to home ownership (Albers 2016) within the station districts.
Approvals for the construction of social housing are rarer, and strategies to financialize the state-owned-land (Christophers 2017), disregarding the first-time residents needs, reinforce the affordable housing access’ tensions. This ambivalent positioning of the State may lead to a widening of socio-spatial inequalities due to contradictory and coercive national measures (Rodriguez-Pose and Storper 2020).
Aalbers, Manuel B. 2016. The Financialization of Housing : a political economy approach. London: Routledge.
Christophers, Brett. 2017. « The State and Financialization of Public Land in the United Kingdom ». Antipode 49 (1): 62 85.
Halbert, Ludovic, and Katia Attuyer. 2016. « Introduction: The Financialisation of Urban Production: Conditions, Mediations and Transformations ». Urban Studies 53 (7): 1347 61.
Rodríguez-Pose, Andrés, and Michael Storper 2020. « Housing, Urban Growth and Inequalities: The Limits to Deregulation and Upzoning in Reducing Economic and Spatial Inequality ». Urban Studies 57 (2): 223 48.